Return of the Marred Manuscript: Reviewing & Approving the Copy Edit

It’s been a little over three weeks since I sent my Temple of Indra manuscript off for the copy edit and it’s just come back. As I sit with coffee in hand I can't help but revel in the butterflies that flit at my anticipation. It’s become a work of art filled with red crossed out lines and dotted blue side bubbles. Not to worry - no actual ink was harmed in the process of this edit. My manuscript may be marred but I'm happy that it’s one step closer to print. Now comes the part where I read over all of their suggested modifications accepting or declining with fervor. Thank goodness for the track changes function as well as the clean copy they've sent. Having taken a quick peek I can already tell I’m going to love it. No major plot or character issues just good old fashioned grammatical corrections, which I’m always happy to pawn off on the experts.


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