Book Signing Afterglow

It was an amazing visit to Woodbridge Chapters in January. Check out my website to see all the pics. I made tons of new friends and even saw some old ones. Thank you to events coordinator Terry Jordon and the many employees who set me up and supported me for the day. My street crew Leslie Bilcox and Dustin Stapleton. And of course special thanks to those of you who purchased my book, The Temple of Indra's Jewel. Over 150 people joined my mailing list and I completely ran out of candy and marketing material but I must admit the very very best part of my day was the overwhelming feedback I received from people who began reading it immediately.
That's right, people bought my book and pulled up a chair at Starbucks and then returned to tell me about it. The excitement was palpable. They were hooked. I felt like a new Mamma hearing them praise my baby that way.

And to think I came in expecting the worst. There is so much of a stigma surrounding book signings and I'd mentally prepared myself for the worst. What a wonderful surprise to double my sales goal! I was even approached by a gentleman inquiring with regards to the foreign rights. Can you imagine if my book was published internationally? Anyway, I better go find some wood to knock on.
So thank you Woodbridge you are a wonderful community.
Still riding that high!


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