I Dream of Rochus

Are you a dreamer? I am. According to psychologists, everyone dreams—sometimes five times a night and more than half of us dream about work once a week. I dream constantly and in fact I get some of my best characters and plot twists in my slumber so I love dreaming about my work.

I recently visited a Psychic Medium in the Durham Region for research purposes and found out that one of my spirit guides is a character from my last book: Rochus—the 19th century alchemist who I thought I had dreamed up. Apparently he helps me with my writing and decided to give himself a cameo—I thought that was pretty neat.

She told me spirit guides are always with you and will most likely reach out to contact you in your dreams. All you have to do is ask! In fact, chances are you’ve already had some contact with your guides in your dream life and just haven’t recognized it. Think about it. Have you ever had a “stranger” who felt familiar to you visit you in your dreams?

If you’re interested—try this exercise before going to bed to have a dream-time connection with your guides:
• Write a question on a note pad that you’d like addressed. Read the question aloud before going to bed. Set the intention that you’d like to meet your guides that night in your dreams.

Good Luck! Hopefully Rochus has something good in store for me tonight. My latest story is ready for a good plot twist. All kooky characters welcome.


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