And the Reviews Keep Rolling in...

Advanced Review: Curse of the Purple Delhi Sapphire
"Well written and exciting throughout, this novel will leave you longing for more."

Averting future consequences is hard to do.

I read an advance reader's copy of this remarkable book and, although I hadn't read the forerunner, I found the plot easy to follow. Well written and exciting throughout, this novel will leave you longing for more. The characters are drawn together over many lifetimes and our heroine jumps back and forth in time, aware of the connection, loving some and fearing others, but always attracting the attention of her nemesis. She tries desperately to work out how to avert future consequences concerning a jewel with remarkable powers. Sometimes, she's unable to pick friend from foe. The tension sent my pulse racing.

Francene Stanley. Author of the paranormal "Moonstone Series".

Please follow Francene on Facebook and subscribe to her blog where she writes regularly about the heart-warming, heart-breaking and awe-inspiring events that make up life.

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