Treasured & Tipsy Timeslip: Traveller Lacey Crowe

Travel and make-believe go hand in hand. Whether we're in the present or the past, in a haunted castle, an enchanted forest or a broken down building, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and traveling the world can bring the imagination to life.

Please welcome this week's guest, fellow Canadian, Lacey Crowe, who writes for the lovers of the darker side of fiction, channeling stylistic inspiration from the spirits of John Steinbeck, Ray Bradbury, and maybe even a little Edgar Allen Poe.

#Travel #AuthorInterview #LaceyCrowe #Camping #TreasuredTipsyTimeslip #RachaelStapleton #ExploreOntario #CurseofthePurpleDelhiSapphire #LoonsLanding #ManitoulinIsland #BrucePeninsulaNational

I live in the city now—a small city surrounded by lakes and rivers. The Ontario city I was born in was much the same, though it has grown since then and is possibly now too big for me. I’m a fan of the countryside. I’m attracted to the darkness of the bushes, the quietude. I embrace the isolation, the fireside, the hot, sticky moment when the sun bakes me in my tent or trailer. It’s peaceful in the country. It’s dark. It’s frightening. It’s exciting. And Ontario has some of the best places to experience this.

A particular, fictitious campground enthralled the psychopathic character in my novel, Apostle. But though the grounds were fabricated, the river it’s located on is very real. My list of five campgrounds to visit in Ontario should and will begin with any of the many campgrounds in French River, Ontario. But to make it more specific, how about the seasonal camping spot I visit every year?

Loon’s Landing is situated on the main channel of the French River, which stretches from Lake Nippissing to Georgian Bay. Themed parties, excellent fishing and swimming, and friendly ownership. It’s fun. Like, really fun. This campground, along with a few others I used to frequent when I was little, served as inspiration for my novel.

Manitoulin Island is so beautiful, it needs to be experienced. It’s located on one of the great lakes, Lake Huron. There are several camping spots along the island, which heavily embraces an old-school, Native American culture. The water is clear and the expanse is massive. Many beaches have a soft, sandy bottom. Sometimes, it sucks you in up to your ankles. That feeling is one of my favourite childhood memories.

Fathom Five National Marine Park blows my mind. Why haven’t I ever visited Tobermory? Look at this photo and my work here is done. A shipwreck just off the shore? How cool is that? The history here is palpable, even just through the photographs. It’s eerie and it’s fascinating—and my psychopathic characters could have totally hidden a body in that shipwreck.

Sleeping Giant Provincial Park is located in Thunder Bay, Ontario. “Sleeping Giant” alludes to a rock formation in the shape of man lying down, which I like to think of with my inner-childlike fascination. I’ve heard that Thunder Bay is one of the best cities for outdoor activity in the summertime. The mountains here are breathtaking and the wildlife is abundant. I think this beauty is what others imagine when they think of Canada.

Bruce Peninsula National is incredibly gorgeous. This photo is of the Grotto, a popular tourist attraction for obvious reasons. Again, why haven’t I ever visited Tobermory? Located on part of the Niagara Escarpment, Bruce Peninsula boasts several camping spots on beautiful, aqua waters. Warm weather is finally among us. It’s time to get the tent out and visit some of these sweet camping spots. Don’t forget to pack your knives, you little psychos.

Bloghost Insert: I've been to Tobermory and I can vouch for it's awesomeness! This national park lies at the tip of the Bruce Peninsula, 11kms south of Tobermory. Here are some fun pics from my camping trip from 2011.


There are camping facilities here, and some of the most dramatic scenery of the Niagara Escarpment. The Bruce Trail also traverses the park, and there are several short hikes that will get you onto some of the most scenic parts of the Bruce Trail, including the Natural Arch, the Grotto and Halfway Rock Point, pictured here. The Grotto a beautiful natural cave carved into the cliffs.
That water is ice cold!

To get to the Grotta from the trail you have to scale down through a hole about 10 metres. The cave extends into the side of the cliff for some meters to expose a pool which connects by an underwater passage to the main body of water at the tip of the point. The cave is lit from beneath the water by green light coming from the far side of this passage, and swallows were visible in the dim light as they flew in over our heads to reach their nests protected high up on shelves in the cave.


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