Celebrating 11:11 Make a Wish!


I once read that when you see 11:11 you should simply stop, and recognize the significance of the moment. So here I go.
In February Solstice published the second book in my TEMPLE OF INDRA series and for the first time since it was published I spent some time crunching numbers only to realize that as of August I hit the most magical number in the Universe.

I distributed 1,111 copies of CURSE OF THE PURPLE DELHI SAPPHIRE through Amazon. (Not including paperbacks sold through myself, stores or via the book launch.) Can I get a hell yeah!
These Canadians are not just celebrating the Toronto Blue Jays magical 2015 season, they are celebrating 1111 copies of Rachael Stapleton novels going out through Amazon. (Stay with me here.) I know what you’re thinking: “Holy Cow! Over a thousand books! You must be rich!” That’s what I was thinking, too! I'm no accountant but I’ve run the math and sadly I'm not. Still… it’s a milestone all the same. The fact that I’ve had 1,111 people download or purchase a copy of my book is a true blessing.

And in case you're wondering, I am still writing, albeit not nearly as frequently. Have no fear....I will be ramping back up...I just needed to spend a little quality time with my family while my husband focused on his career. I am happy to share that I have two books written, and I'm currently researching a third. I'm hoping 2016 will be a stellar year. Perhaps I'll be celebrating more milestones. Regardless, I'm doing what I love and I have all of you to thank for it. If you can count yourself among the 1,111 people who have gotten my book through Amazon, I am sincerely grateful to you. And if you’re one of the people who has come to a book signing or posted a review on Amazon or in any way expressed to me that you enjoyed my book – again, thank you so much. Surprisingly I don’t have the words to tell you how much it means to me.

Being a writer is a vulnerable job. I open my imagination as well as my heart and allow my readers to climb inside, I would be lying if I said it wasn't at times terrifying but it's also rewarding and if you’re among those 1111, I appreciate what you’ve done to help make it a little less so. The real reward isn’t making millions of dollars with my writing (although that would be nice...do you hear me Universe), the real success is having fans respond favorably to the things I’ve written. Thank you so much for making these last couple of years a success! Perhaps it's time for me to make another wish.

‪#‎Booksales‬ ‪#‎Amazon‬ ‪#‎CURSEOFTHEPURPLEDELHISAPPHIRE‬ ‪#‎Milestone‬‪#‎TEMPLEOFINDRA‬ #‎MysteryWriter‬


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