Coming In 2016: The Second Edition of THE TEMPLE OF INDRA'S JEWEL

Hey Hey Hey! Or should I say Ho Ho Ho!

I'm still alive...just in case you guys were wondering. I've had my fingers to the keyboard this past month revising THE TEMPLE OF INDRA'S JEWEL for re-release through my current publisher. I have to say I'm falling in love with the story and the characters all over again.

I know...I want Book 3...not Book 1...again. The truth is I wrote the first book ten years ago and after completing three additional books (that's right...they are coming people) I can see that my writing style has changed and (fingers crossed) improved.
Needless to say, it irritates me that my series may not flow in terms of style. So after speaking with my editor-in-chief at Solstice Publishing, I decided to rewrite The Temple of Indra's Jewel. I blame the perfectionist within me.

Not to worry, the rewrite is about style and I'm being careful not to change the story. I know it wouldn’t be fair to all of you who love my story just the way it is. I just want to make everyone love the way I'm telling it.

So stayed tune...2016 is going to be good.


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