The Time Traveling Bibliophile Series: What's it all about?

The Temple of Indra books center on a librarian, Sophia Marcil, who can travel through time compliments of her grandmother’s cursed sapphire ring, as well as an old spell book uncovered in the library where she works. On her first trip into the 19th century, Sophia believes she’s being forced into an eccentric millionaire’s dinner theater but a hidden diary, a secret passage and a whispered conversation reveal to her that the role of a princess is not all fun and games. Book Two takes our beloved bibliophile to a stately home in 1920, where she discovers a hidden chapter in her own family story. In an effort to re-write the past, things get foggy in a London bookshop; long-lost relative’s re-surface, and as a family gathering rapidly goes awry, Sophia ricochets back to the present. The page turns for Sophia in book three. Her nemesis is six feet under and she’s off to return the cursed sapphire to the temple, so she can settle into the next chapter of her life—a new bookshop and wedded bliss.  One problem, the mysterious temple has sent Sophia back into the past, more specifically, into the body of the soon to be murdered bride of Dunlace Castle—a place she was hired to research. Throughout the series, Sophia is determined to dig up the truth but it isn’t until Book Four that her life comes full circle. Sophia Marcil has now closed the book on magic, married at last and opened her beloved shop. She’s taking life one page at a time until an old acquaintance darkens her doorstep and reminds her of a grim prediction made sixteen years ago—one that involves her daughter, her grimoire, and that threatens time travel once more. Will Sophia finally discover the truth of her curse? 

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Rachael Stapleton lives in a Second Empire Victorian home with her husband and two children in Ontario, Canada and enjoys writing in the comforts of aged wood and arched dormers. 

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