New Review *Five Star Free Range Fun

A.B Funkhauser's Shell Game

  • Print Length: 228 pages
  • Publisher: Solstice Publishing (September 12, 2017)
  • Publication Date: September 12, 2017
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B075M1K43Z

A smart and hilarious novel that delivers constant chuckles and an onslaught of outlandish situations piling up around neighbors Bronagh and Poonam in the sleepy town of Pictontown on the Downs.

The best part is when Sils Banks, Animal Control Officer for Pictontown on the Downs attends a swinger’s party and meets gossip columnist, Goddess Moonbow who decides that Sils should be treated as one of the animals. In other words, Sils is caged like one of her stray cats. From here on out, the story is fast-paced and hilarious as Sils comes up with a plan to exact revenge and expose the true happenings of this sleepy little town. This book is stuffed with precious one-liners and humorous set ups.

The characters are colorful, the pacing breathtaking, and the atmosphere of the tiny town, with all its political drama and kinky sex, rings ludicrously entertaining. A.B Funkhauser’s writing is delightful and addictive. I can't wait for the next installment. ~ The Mysterious Ink Spot


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