Spilling Ink With Author Vicki-Ann Bush

The lovely Vicki-Ann Bush resides in Las Vegas, Nevada but her love for writing began in New York at the tender age of thirteen when she took part in a city wide writing contest in her hometown of Floral Park. She was hooked and after many years of writing she finally plucked up the courage to submit in 2008, at the urging of her two wonderfully supportive daughters. The first positive response came from Salt of the Earth Publishing and her work began with children books—Winslow Willow the Woodland Fairy and The Queen of It. She has since settled into writing young adult fiction. Her first release was the novella series, The Dusk Chronicles, a supernatural romance set in Las Vegas. Her latest work has just been released by Solstice Publishing, a historical romance novel, The Garden of Two and the paranormal romance novella, The Fulfillment. In addition, she is currently working on a young adult science fiction novel, The View from Room 629.

The Garden of Two
Charlie Murphy and Lillie Whitman are surrounded by the innocence of young love, and
the guileless early twentieth century. They fall deeper into each other, intertwining their very different worlds to create a bond that no one can break. Or so they thought. When the dawn of World War I comes to their Long Island town, and personal tragedies begin to spiral the lovers into an abyss of darkness, they must fight to hold on to their love. Knowing their bond will be the only ties that will get them through. From the horrors of Germany's front lines to the emotional battle fields fought at home, Charlie and Lillie must find a way to stay strong, and navigate a path, back into each others arms. And how a garden, a very special garden, can withstand the coldest of winters and give the ultimate symbol of hope.

1. Let's talk about your new release, The Garden of Two. Give us a teaser if you can.  

It is an historical romance that takes place in 1916 and centers around World War I. The story unfolds in Long Island, N.Y. with two young lovers, Lillie and Charlie. The reader goes on the journey with them as they face the horrors of the first World War and the terrible sadness they must endure in their own lives. As for a teaser … someone of great importance dies.

2. What other books/short stories have you written?

For YA, I've written the supernatural romance trilogy, The Dusk Chronicles. And coming soon from Solstice, a paranormal romance novella, The Fulfillment. My prior work was in children books, which included Winslow Willow the Woodland Fairy, and The Queen of It.

3. Are they available in e-book, print, or both?

All of my YA is available in both and The Queen of It as well. Winslow Willow is in print only.

4. Where can readers find your books?

Amazon, Barnes and Noble both on-line and in selected stores, Kobo and other various on-line sites for purchase.

6. What do you think are the biggest challenges for your genre?

Trying to keep with a story line that is unique. There is so much paranormal romance YA. Writing the story with an idea that differs from everything you read, remains my worst enemy. I think The Dusk Chronicles and The Fulfillment, satisfy that unique component. And, The Garden of Two is completely removed from any paranormal substance.

7. How did you get started in writing?

When I was thirteen, in a school contest. We had to write a story and construct the book. I fell in love instantly with the process.

8. Where and How can readers get in touch with you?

They can always reach out to me on my author Facebook page, my blog Silent Pen, or even my email … vickiannbush@gmail.com I love hearing from readers.

9. So what's next for Vicki-Ann Bush? What can we expect from you in the future?

I just completed a YA Sci-Fi. It's with beta readers right now and then some more editing before I submit it. I'm also working on a new novel, it is very different than anything I've written so far and it's both scary and exciting for me.

10. How much of your personality and life experiences are in your writing?

Most of it. I use everything and everyone around me for inspiration, myself included.

11. I'd like to talk about the details of the creative process. Do you set a schedule? Do you have a routine?

I pretty much go with the flow. I've tried to structure myself, I should. It's a work in progress for me and a personal goal. It's simple, I sit and write. There is no one thing I always do, it various with the book.

13. What about you in general? What is it that makes you tick? Makes you you? Things you like to do and what prompted you into writing?

First of all, the hardest thing for me to do is talk about me. That being said, family makes me tick. Friends prompt me to write just by observing them. I love the holidays when everyone gets together, I like going to the movies and I adore hanging out with my great Dane.

14. Among your own books, have you a favorite book? Favorite Hero or Heroine?

My all time fave is Lightening, by Dean Koontz. I also adore the character, Odd Thomas and that series of books.

15. What kind of research do you when writing one of your works?

Depends on the book. For The Garden of Two, I watched several documentaries on World War I, researched pictures on line of Long Island in 1916 and read various articles and testimonies on the war.

16. Do you ever ask friends/family for advice or ideas to go into your works?

Not so much ideas to go into the work, more like their opinion of how the work is presenting itself.

17. Have you ever experienced Writer's Block? If so how did you work through it?

Yes, but it usually only lasts for a few minutes. I get up walk away, put on some music or pour a cup of coffee and relax for a bit. Sometimes, it helps if I sort of act out the prior scene. I'll play it either in my head, or in the middle of my room. I can usually get what's coming next after that.

18. Who do you like to read? Are there any authors (living or dead) that you would name as influences?

Dean Koontz is my number one fave. But I also enjoy Anne Rice, Stephen King, Robin Cook and Michael Crichton.

19. Anything else you'd like to tell our readers?

Just that I really love making the connection. Hearing what they think, what they like or don't like, is very important to me. The more the merrier.

20. What is your advice to the aspiring writer? 

Yes … Do not give up. Keep writing, keep submitting. Someone will eventually see what you are doing. I know it all sounds like a cliché, but it's true. Writing is doing something you love, but it doesn't make it easy. Hard work, perseverance and simple tenacity. Staying involved, learning constantly about how to further your work, your name, your craft. I'm constantly trying to figure out this ever changing maze we all need to run through. Keep going. 

21. How can my readers get a free copy

Excellent Question! 2 winners will be chosen to win a free ebook. To be in it to win it, all you have to do is go on my Author Facebook Page, leave a comment and Like the page. Winners will be chosen at the end of the day! https://www.facebook.com/VickiAnn.Bush.Author


Ms. Bush other works include, The Dusk Chronicles trilogy, featuring these five star reviews—
SUPER cool story that had me hooked!
A Clever Time­Travel Adventure



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