Talking Criminals, Redemption & Beyond the Skyline with Brody Lane Gregg

You have a new book releasing soon from Solstice Publishing called Beyond the Skyline. What is it about?

Beyond the Skyline is really a story about redemption, in both a social and spiritual sense. The book is a compilation of the journal entries of Alex Lane, a renowned criminal who is given a second chance at life. After a childhood spent forging his criminal empire, followed by a stint in a juvenile detention center, Alex is released with a new outlook on life. He just wants to be normal, and hopes to find his way in the world without repeating his past by succumbing to a life of crime. But Alex quickly learns that following this new path is easier said than done.

I can’t tell you any more without giving away too much of the story. My book will be released early next year, and will be available through Solstice Publishing,, and my website,

What do you like most about writing?

My mind tends to sway back and forth between reality and imagination. Yes, I was one of those kids who day-dreamed my way through most of my high school and college years, constantly imagining new worlds to create and explore. I love the world-building process of fiction writing, and I especially love sharing my ideas about these new worlds with others. My poor wife gets the brunt of this—she really loves me! There’s just something about the creative process that fuels me. Thank God I have been blessed with decent grammar and a fairly fluent command of the English language. I can’t imagine having all of these ideas in my head with no outlet for sharing them.

Besides writing, what else do you enjoy doing?

I also enjoy helping other authors with their projects, so I work part-time as a freelance author and editor when I’m not working my “official” day job as a case manager for individuals with disabilities. But my biggest job is yet to come. My wife and I are expecting twins in the next few weeks, and my current work-from-home jobs will allow me to stay at home with the kids. I look forward to being a stay-at-home daddy. We’ll see how I juggle all of these in a few weeks.

What inspires you?

My wife. My relationship with Jesus. Reading books. Family. Music.

Besides Beyond the Skyline, do you have any other projects in the works or already published?

Yes, my short story, Terror State, is in the November edition of Heater Magazine. You can purchase a copy at And recently, my short story, Inside Chaos, was published on Fiction on the Web ( It’s a free read.

Also, I’m currently working on my second novel. I hope to have the first draft done before spring rolls around. It’s my first adventure into sci-fi/fantasy, which has been quite enjoyable.

And lastly, where can readers connect with you for updates, purchase details, etc.?

I’m not very savvy at selling myself, but I’ve learned a lot about social media in the past few months. You can follow me on Twitter, “Like” my Facebook page, or check out my blog (and other various info) on my website at:


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