Get Featured on the Treasured & Tipsy Timeslip: Coming Soon to a Tuesday Near You

Travel and make-believe go hand in hand. Whether we're in the present or the past, in a haunted castle, an enchanted forest or a broken down building, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and traveling the world can bring the imagination to life! So throw on a corset, ​warm up the​ time machine or climb in a casket and take a virtual voyage with ​us​.

I'm lining up spots on my blog. If you want to be featured beginning next Tuesday. Comment, Email or Message me. You will need to name 3-5 of the most whimsical fantastical places you would travel to if you could. It can be in a different era, it can be spooky and/or whimsical. Whatever you want just as long as you name the places and why. Please provide pictures. It's a great opportunity to talk about the setting of your book(s) if you're looking to promote. If you're interested email me with your 3-5 places, include what's magical, creepy, intriguing, romantic about it. include stories or history and a picture of each place. Please also include your media kit. Thanks! Rae

#authorinterview #authorspotlight #featuredauthor #travel #beautifulplaces #whimsical #fantasy #mystery #writers #books #fiction #bookstoread #treasuredtipsytimeslip #tuesday


  1. Hi Rachael. I'll take a stab at this. Sounds like fun!

  2. Fabulous Susanne! I look forward to hearing about the places that inspire you. Email me with your media kit and tipsy timeslip post. Don't forget to include pics of the places and a book cover if the setting is from one of your books:)


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