Looking for a New Book Boyfriend ... Let's Get Irish with Chapter Twenty-Two
Happy St. Patricks Day! I thought today we could celebrate all things Cullen O'Kelley.
Career: Architect
Area of Expertise: Castle Restoration
Hair Colour: Ginger
Excerpt from Chapter Twenty-Two
Curse of the Purple Delhi Sapphire
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I stopped by the study,
which was on the way to the bedroom. Cullen loved this room. It was decorated
with masculine oil paintings of ships and battle scenes. Bookshelves lined the
back wall behind his desk, surrounding a large marble fireplace which shed a
dying glow. So that was why it seemed a little brighter than the rest. Cullen
must have left in a hurry today.
I switched on the desk lamp
and gazed across the room at his shelf full of books. Vehicles, mechanics,
architecture: all things that reminded me of Cullen. All except for one on
spirituality. This was an odd coincidence. How had Ann’s book gotten here? Had
Cullen unpacked my box? I walked over to the shelf and picked it up, running my
hand along the cover before opening it. The edges were earmarked and smudged.
This wasn’t my copy.
Why would Cullen have a book
written by Ann Switzer? Had he come across it and saved it for me? I tried to
think of whether we’d ever talked about Ann and how my uncle Velte had attacked
and murdered her grandmother at the Switzer farm. I couldn’t recall the
discussion ever happening.
I put it back and turned
away, looking at Cullen’s desk; it was massive and dark, like my feelings at
the moment. I hated to invade his privacy, but I couldn't ignore my
The drawers extended down
both sides, almost—but not quite—reaching the clawed feet. The top was clean,
unlike the surface of my old desk—which was always piled high with papers and
half-drunk cups of coffee. I grasped the knob on the top left-hand drawer. Locking
drawers now, are we?
My eyes darted back to the
bookshelf, then wandered along the walls which were painted a pale, buttery
yellow. This room which I normally found cheerful and pleasant felt like it was
closing in on me. My heart sped up. Maybe it was time to open Nick’s letter. I
tried the next drawer down. Inside, there was nothing but a notebook and a few
pens. I was stalling. I moved the notebook and—bingo—found a letter opener but
as I reached for it, the hair on my arms prickled.
A familiar address stood out
to me, written on a little blue matchbook. Gripping the desk’s lip to steady
myself, hands shaking, I pulled the memorable little matchbook out. I closed my
eyes, banishing the sight of Nick’s flat number from my mind.
“It’s not possible,” I whispered numbly, shaking my head. I reached
into my purse and pulled out Nick’s envelope, grabbed the opener, and tore in.
My stomach churned and my hands shook.
I know you told me to stay
away and you’re probably rolling your eyes right now but please leave Ireland.
I swear I’m not writing this to fight with you or to be spiteful. You’re being
fooled and if you don’t wake up before it’s too late, you’ll be dead. I realize
I’m the last person you want to hear this from, but it’s true. I hired a
private investigator and this is what he found…
My tears spilled onto the
page as I glanced at the investigator’s notes scrawled below. I could make out
key words like mentally unstable. It was so messy, I could hardly focus.
Handwriting was clearly a lost art, but then again I was crying so hard my
vision was blurred.
“Sophia? Ye home?” Cullen’s voice floated up the stairs and down
the hall.
My heart was pounding
violently. Desperately I tried to control my tears as I made quick work of
folding the paper in half but not before noticing the words raped and accused
of murder. I used my sleeves to dry my tears.
“Yes,” I called back, trying to make my voice sound as normal as
possible. “You didn’t respond to my text.”
I looked down at my phone,
blinking, and felt completely caught off guard.
“I’m just on the phone in the study.”
“It’s almost dinner time. Shouldn’t ye be after gettin’ ready?”
“Yep, I will in just a moment.”
Cullen’s footsteps receded.
The house was suddenly very still. I let out my breath and reached for the
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