Dream Movie Cast & Contest for Desert Blood. Enter the Rafflecopter to Win

Guest Blog for The Mysterious Ink Spot
by Anna Lowe, author of Desert Blood, Book 2 in the Wolves of Twin Moon Ranch series.

My dream movie cast for Desert Blood? I have to admit the question had me stumped. It's like finding an actor to play your boyfriend or your sister: who could possibly be close enough to represent them?

When I write a book, it always starts with a character that crops up in my mind, and it doesn't take me long to give him or her a look, a voice, a profession (always a profession: my heroines are all working women with passion for what they do, whether that's teaching, negotiating land rights, or consulting for a renewable energy firm). So I find it difficult to match them with a movie star or existing face.

Cody, the hero of Desert Blood, is the oft-overlooked second son to his wolfpack's ruling alpha. He's created a role for himself: the carefree, easy-going playboy type. Inside, though, he's yearning to break free and become the leader he was meant to be. Here's the first time Heather meets him up close...

            “Everything okay?” A voice came from the doorway, completely unperturbed. It was soothing, like the sound of waves over a smooth, sandy shore. The voice warmed her from the inside even before she spun and spotted the newcomer.
            Cody! Cody!” the children cried.
            Heather's stomach did a flip. It was him. The one she’d noticed around the ranch. The one she couldn’t not notice.
            The ranch seemed to be a breeding ground for gorgeous men, but this one was in a class of his own. Lean, blond, relaxed. Most of the others came in the strong-but-silent, earthy category, but this one should be bobbing on a surfboard, wiping salt water out of his eyes. He seemed in no hurry whatsoever, as if today was just another great day of many.

Who has that look, that voice? I can't name an actor, because no one is exactly Cody. No one looks like him, sounds like him, tastes like him (and yes, Heather gets a good taste on their first kiss, and their second, and their third. And then comes the night he turns up at her doorstep with a Huck Finn grin and basket of strawberries in his hand... Well, you get the picture!)

            Now he was inches away. Big, broad—but not too much of either. Just right. The nick in one ear was the only part of him that wasn’t perfect. She caught his scent, and it was an ocean breeze gone walkabout in the desert.
            She gave herself an inner slap. No, no, no! Men were not to be trusted. Not ever again.
            Not even this one? a small voice in her cried.
            Especially not this one! came the slamming reply.

Whoever would have to play Cody in the movie version of Desert Blood, he'd have his work cut out for him, that's for sure!

And then there's Heather. She has no idea that the ranch folk are all shifters, while Cody knows all too well she's a human and forbidden to him. He tries to deny the attraction at first. But destiny is at work, and destiny won't be denied. Here he's walking away from their first real interaction together...

            A hummingbird whizzed past, and Cody followed its cue, hurrying to catch up to his brother while trying not to let the visions dancing in his head trickle out. If Ty caught him thinking those thoughts…
            But the visions persisted. Visions of a willowy woman with champagne-colored hair swirled in a bun. He dreamed of undoing that bun, finding out just how long and silky her hair was. Her eyes were as green as an Appalachian forest and just as haunted. She was tall, too. One little dip of his chin and they’d be kissing. He and the woman who stood up to his brother like an Amazon defending her turf. She only wavered when some memory jumped out and got the better of her. Cody wondered what it was, and what force had steered this human to his part of the continent.
            Destiny, came a faint murmur, a whisper on the wind. Faint as it was, the sound still managed to hammer Cody’s soul. His heart was pounding like he’d just run the length of the desert, searching for his mate.

Photo Credit: Comic Vine
Photo Credit: Mail Online
And as he continues to walk along...

            She was like no schoolteacher he’d ever met. Her legs belonged on a fashion runway—no, he decided, sportier than that. More like on a volleyball court. Her eyes were a green he’d never seen in the desert. And the toned arms stretching out from that sleeveless sundress, well, those belonged around him. He sniffed long and hard, savoring her scent like the last bloom of the century plant. Except this one came with a hint of strawberry. He did it again now: sniffed.
            Mine! his wolf growled.

I'm not sure I can name any starlet who could hit Heather's mix of grace, class, and haunting fears just right. So if I had the chance to pick the cast for a movie version, I think the best solution to my dilemma would be to name a cast of unknowns – faces no one yet associated with a dozen other roles (or a dozen real-life scandals).

Rae's Opinion: I don't know about the rest of you but I'm picturing Gabrielle Reese or maybe Blake Lively.

How about you? What actor and actress would you pick? Drop your suggestions below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Desert Blood
The Wolves of Twin Moon Ranch
Book 2
Anna Lowe

Genre: PNR

Publisher: Twin Moon Press
Date of Publication: April 2, 2015


Number of pages: 117
Word Count: approx 31,000

Cover Artist: Fiona Jayde

Book Description:

Heather Luth knows nothing about the paranormal world until one awful night changes everything. Now she’s on the run―straight into the arms of forbidden love. Her mind knows better than to fall for Cody Hawthorne’s sunny smile and mesmerizing voice, but her heart―and destiny―have other ideas.

On the surface, Cody is warm, witty, and fun, but beneath his carefree facade, Heather sees a real man struggling to break free. Day by day, Heather and Cody grow closer and closer, unable to resist their simmering passion―while day by day, a serial murderer closes in on his prey. Duty fights desire; fear wrestles trust as the human world clashes with the paranormal in a tale of forbidden love.

There’s more than meets the eye on Twin Moon Ranch, home to a pack of shapeshifting wolves willing to battle for life and love.

Available at Amazon

About the Author:

Anna Lowe loves putting the "hero" back into heroine and letting location ignite a passionate romance. She likes a heroine who is independent, intelligent, and imperfect — a woman who's doing just fine on her own. But give the heroine a good man (not to mention a chance to overcome her own inhibitions) and she'll never turn down the chance for adventure, nor shy away from danger.

Anna is a middle school teacher who divides her time between coastal Maine and a village in view of the Austrian Alps. She loves dogs, sports, and travel — and letting those inspire her fiction.

Once upon a time, she was a long-distance triathlete and soccer player. Nowadays, she finds her balance with yoga, writing, and family time with her husband and young children. On any given weekend, you might find her hiking in the mountains or hunched over her laptop, working on her latest story. Either way, the day will end with a chunk of dark chocolate and a good read.

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