Rachael's Reviews: Brody Lane Gregg's Beyond the Skyline

Warning: This book made me cry and yet I highly recommend it. Why? Because it is a beautiful evocative story of a family touched by abuse, crime and redemption. ​I have to admit it is not exactly my genre and ​at times I felt the sadness almost unbearable but it was written in such a way that you were hooked in and the character development ...wow! 

​​Beyond the Skyline is Alex Lane’s experience of trading a Juvenile Detention Center and a life of crime for a stable home environment with brother Brandon's family. Alex finds himself attending high school and making new friends, he even falls in love with the pastor’s daughter. Throughout the book Alex writes about his feelings for each character and his fear of reverting back to his old criminal ways.

What I didn't see coming was the end. One if his new friends includes a naive stoner who sadly places Alex in a life changing predicament. The fact that the book was a diary of his life was brilliant. As a matter of fact I wrote the author to ask if it was based in some truth or fact. Amazing job Brody!

Go Buy it Now!


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