Running Short on Creativity: Try These Simple Tricks to Get Your Imagination Back Into Shape

We've all been there. Those days when the creative juices dry up and simply remembering where you left your keys becomes a huge task. In industries where creativity pays the bills this can be nerve-racking. Especially when brainstorming turns into a doodle session that results in a series of spirals that you already perfected in middle school. The best way to avoid the wall is to keep one or two of these tricks in your backpocket--allowing you to scale the hell out of that creativity barrier! #writingtips #creativeflow #writingadvice #creativityadvice #breakingthedryspell #getcreative #innovative #excercise #businessadvice #creativejobs #Norwood #running #nature #outdoors #travel

Some of our best ideas happen when we are in motion. This morning I was out running and the combination of old houses, mature trees and physical activity had my mind swirling with plot twists. 

Whether we’re running, swimming or practicing yoga, the engaged state of our bodies allows our minds to wander freely.

In partial solitude, solutions can almost seem to present themselves. So whether you’re heading to the gym or just outside for a walk around the neighborhood, try stepping away from a busy day to engage in a workout.

Not to mention a new view never hurt anyone—even if it’s not as pretty as this one—so whether you’re hitting the trails or navigating tall building and traffic, a change of scenery can provide the spark that leads to a fresh idea. Just remember to keep your phone handy so you can voice text yourself notes on the idea. Then hurry back to the desk to elaborate.

Human beings have a multitude of senses that are often key to generating new ideas. Yes, we’re highly visual but it’s not just the beauty of nature that inspires us but also scent, touch and sounds. Birds chirping, raindrops falling or even the steady hum of traffic. Setting the mood to free the creative spark can be done in many different ways. I know there are certain streets that I jog down that can completely get my brain firing on all cylinders. Next time you’re feeling inspired, note what’s around you that may be triggering it. For example there is a certain bush of flowers on the street behind my house that gives me a rush of adrenalin when I pass it. There’s an old heritage house on the same street that sends my mind into mystery novel mode.  When I run through the downtown core I can’t help but think of money and the businesses that I could create and ways to improve the town and my own quality of life. This is because each of our senses can trigger different emotional responses, and sometimes starting there and letting the visuals follow can open you up to a completely different approach.

Read Books. Watch movies. Stop by Pinterest.
Continuously fill your mind with compelling content and inspiring stories; these will fuel your process. You never know where inspiration may be lurking.


You are the captain of your own destiny, capable of imaginative, unique work the world has yet to see. It may take time and energy to get to a point where it flows, but it’s in there. Never give up! Type until your wrist hurts. Paint until you run out of colour. Sing until you lose the pitch. The time is now and there is no need to fear failure or make excuses.  Just show up, start somewhere and keep going until you are good.

The Temple of Indra Series
Book One: The Temple of Indra’s Jewel
Book Two: Curse of the Purple Delhi Sapphire
Rachael Stapleton

Genre: Mystery, Adventure, Time Travel Romance

Series Description: Librarian Sophia Marcil has spent her life surrounded by history, fascinated by the tales of ancient curses, but she never imagined the legend of the Purple Delhi Sapphire was true until she inherited it and was transported to a past life where she landed square in the middle of a dangerous plot for the throne. Now she knows that not only is reincarnation real, but so is the magic locked inside her precious gem, and it’s worth killing for.

Publisher: Solstice Publishing
Date of Publication: February 3rd, 2015
Print Length: 215 pages
Word Count: 66, 400
Cover Artist: Rebecca Boyd

Curse of the Purple Delhi Sapphire Book Description:

Sophia Marcil hasn’t escaped her destiny or the mad-man hunting her but she’s doing her best to evade both and making a life in Ireland with Cullen—the one person she can count on to pull her out of deep water. There’s just one problem, despite his connection, she hasn’t told him the truth of her time travel and her reality comes crashing down as he proposes with the very sapphire that’s cursed her. Before she knows it, she’s wandering the hallway of an old Victorian house in the body of her great aunt. Unfortunately, her nemesis has also reincarnated in 1920—as one of her family members and she struggles to locate the Purple Delhi Sapphire in time to prevent the deaths of those she loves. When she fails and returns to her present-day life, she’s forced to confront the fact that her killer’s soul will always be tied to the sapphire and in every life she has, he will be resurrected as someone close to her. Her biggest question—who is he now? She doesn’t have to wonder for very long before she finds evidence that has her questioning everything she thought she knew.

Book One Trailer:
Book Two Trailer:

About the Author: Rachel Stapleton lives in a Second Empire Victorian with her husband and two children in Ontario, Canada and enjoys writing in the comforts of aged wood and arched dormers. She is the author of The Temple of Indra’s Jewel, Curse of the Purple Delhi Sapphire and is currently working on the third and most likely final book in the Temple of Indra series.

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For more ideas on getting the creativity to flow check out the following articles.


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