Tuesday's Treasured & Tipsy Timeslip: This Weeks Traveller is A.A Schenna

Travel and make-believe go hand in hand. Whether we're in the present or the past, in a haunted castle, an enchanted forest or a broken down building, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and traveling the world can bring the imagination to life.

This week's Treasured & Tipsy Time Traveller is Solstice Author A.A Schenna. He loves discovering new places and incorporating them into his writing. Follow along and enjoy the peaceful countryside of the Midwestern United States, stroll along the beach in Florida, and bathe in the waterfalls of Hawaii.

Midwestern United States
Looking up at the sky and breathing the air of relief…
Make a new beginning in the countryside. Leave the exhausting, demanding life in the city behind and move on. If you look forward to getting your energy, time and love back, don’t hesitate. The power of nature, the beautiful sunsets and the smell of the trees will make you feel the happiest man on Earth. You will have to change everything and, of course, your way of life, but I am sure you will never regret it. Your decision will make you experience the rebirth of your life.
Rebirth, the second story of Limitless Love Collection sets in Minnesota.

Southeastern region of the United States
Discovering the first leaps of love again…
Strolling at the beach, hand in hand, fully in love…
Is there anything better than spending Sunday mornings near the sea? The answer is NO.
When you gaze at the sea, the memories of the past come up. You feel you are seventeen, and you keep on walking with your partner while talking about your future.
Silent Love, the first story of Limitless Love Collection sets in Florida.

Stranded in paradise…
There are no words to describe the feelings.
The moment your feet sense the cold water of the ocean, you feel wonderful. It’s like seeing your heart leaving your body, flying above the white clouds of euphoria.
The Key, the third story of Limitless Love Collection sets in paradise.

Silent Love
The Key
Three stories of romance for lovers of all ages…

As a child, A.A dreamed of being a cardiac surgeon. Later, Schenna realized that this was not what he wanted.
Writing has always been his greatest pleasure. When he doesn’t write action, adventure, romance stories or anything else, he reads everything.
A.A loves traveling, meeting new people and discovering new places.
Schenna admires all the writers he comes across and enjoys talking about books and magazines.

#Hawaii #Florida #Midwestern United States #Travel #AuthorInterview #TreasuredTipsyTimeslip #RachaelStapleton #CurseofthePurpleDelhiSapphire #AASchenna #Limitlesslovecollection #SilentLove #Rebirth #TheKey


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