Adventures of a Bookish Foodie: Jamaican Ackee and Saltfish
Please welcome Monday's Cozy Chef, Author Simone Salmon! Simone is a Jamaican born New Yorker, who enjoys cooking, especially Jamaican dishes and Ackee and Saltfish is one of her faves. Ackee and saltfish is Jamaica’s national dish. In Jamaica, the local drawl sounds more like, ackee and sall-fish. Saltfish is known as codfish in the USA and bacalao to Spanish folks. No matter the label, Simone assures us it's delicious. Jamaicans also prepare saltfish with callaloo or often with cooked vegetables. Her novel, Camille and the Bears of Beisa – Drafnel takes place in multiple settings one of which happens to be her homeland, Jamaica, WI. In the novel, Catherine tells the story of her abusive childhood while she cooks leftover Jamaican food. According to one review Drafnel, the first novel in the Camille and the Bears of Beisa series by Simone Salmon, is a major genre-bender. Equal parts paranormal thriller, romance, sweeping sci-fi novel and folkloric fantasy all wrapped t...