Friday: I'm in Love with Writing.

For writers, authors or people who just want to write. Every Friday I'm going to give one piece of writing advice. These are things I wish I'd known when I started out.

So, what's the topic today you ask?

Writing to Market.

This is a great idea but sometimes it makes you fee dead inside. #realtalk. Why? Because we're forcing a genre that we don't fit. So, here's my advice. Find a genre you are interested in.

Study the tropes, themes, and similarities. Once you’ve picked your sub-genre, buy the top ten books and read them. Yes, this is why it's important to like the genre. You need to enjoy reading it. Now, look at the story threads that run through all the books searching for tropes and themes that are the same.You’re looking for the commonalities, not the exceptions.

Write them down.

Want more tips? Check out my website WWW.RACHAELSTAPLETON.COM and; if you need coaching or more on-one-on guidance. I've got you, my friend!  Sign up here for more information and a free starter kit. First three clients to sign up receive introductory pricing of $59.

















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