Curse of the Purple Delhi Sapphire: Last Stop This Monday
Join me Monday for my last stop "Stuck in the Research Mudbog" on Fang-tastic, where I'll be blogging about book research and what to do when you get stuck in it. If you missed any of my interviews or guest posts, please feel free to click below and catch up. I will re-post all contest to my own website but the links below are your last chance to enter the Rafflecopter contest. On Monday, there will be 10 Winners chosen at random to receive the first book in my Temple of Indra Series.
I'd also like to take a minute to thank all of my Facebook and Twitter followers and supporters. Your likes, shares and tweets mean so much to me.
I'd especially like to thank my Aunts: Sharon, Karon, Sharlene, Nancy and Doreen. I think one or all of you have commented, liked and or shared every piece of content I've ever posted. You make me smile. How could I ever fail when I have such a loving and supportive family. xo
Book Blog Tour Stops, Dates, Links
February 5th
Dreaming up Curse of the Purple Delhi Sapphire’s All Star Cast
February 9 Interview
Penny's Tales
February 9 Review
Paranormal Romance and Authors That Rock
February 10 Spotlight
Mommabears Book Blog
February 11 Spotlight
Deal Sharing Aunt
February 12 Character Interview
Eclipse Reviews
February 13 Interview
Author Karen Swart
February 16 Guest blog
February 16 Spotlight
Jodie Pierce's Ink Slinger's Blog
February 17 Interview
The Creatively Green Write at Home Mom
February 18 Spotlight
Books N Pearls
February 19 Spotlight
February 20 Spotlight
More Romance Please
February 23 Guest blog
Fang-tastic Books
#Bookblogtour #authorinterview #funnyauthorinterview #blogpost #researchblogpost #historicalresearch #guestblog #spotlight #mystery #timetravel #romance #fiction #amazonbestseller #curseofthepurpledelhisapphire #freebiefriday #templeofindra #rachaeljackson #rachaelstapleton #Bewitchingbooktours #fangtasticbooks #booksnpearls #moreromanceplease #fictionzeal #creativelygreen #auggietalk #karenswart #eclipsereviews #paranormalromanceandauthorsthatrock #jodiepierce #inkslinger #characterinterview #soundtrack #dreamcast #kindlebestseller #solsticepublishing
#Bookblogtour #authorinterview #funnyauthorinterview #blogpost #researchblogpost #historicalresearch #guestblog #spotlight #mystery #timetravel #romance #fiction #amazonbestseller #curseofthepurpledelhisapphire #freebiefriday #templeofindra #rachaeljackson #rachaelstapleton #Bewitchingbooktours #fangtasticbooks #booksnpearls #moreromanceplease #fictionzeal #creativelygreen #auggietalk #karenswart #eclipsereviews #paranormalromanceandauthorsthatrock #jodiepierce #inkslinger #characterinterview #soundtrack #dreamcast #kindlebestseller #solsticepublishing
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